Interface CredentialRetrieval

All Superinterfaces:
BindingAuthn, StringConfigurable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CredentialRetrieval extends BindingAuthn, StringConfigurable
Retrieves credential, using a some binding specific method. Cooperates with CredentialVerificator via CredentialExchange.

Implementations must be thread safe and immutable.

K. Benedyczak
  • Method Details

    • setCredentialExchange

      void setCredentialExchange(CredentialExchange e, String id)
      Sets initial state, given by the framework (the retrieval's own, implementation specific configuration is set via #setSerializedConfiguration(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode)): the credential verificator and the configured id.
      e -
      id -
    • getBindingName

      String getBindingName()
      Specified by:
      getBindingName in interface BindingAuthn
      implementation id
    • requiresRedirect

      default boolean requiresRedirect()