Interface CredentialVerificator

All Superinterfaces:
CredentialExchange, DescribedObject, NamedObject, StringConfigurable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLocalVerificator, AbstractRemoteVerificator, AbstractVerificator

public interface CredentialVerificator extends CredentialExchange, DescribedObject, StringConfigurable
Implementations allow for verification of the provided credential. It is assumed that credential is provided via CredentialExchange interfaces. The actual interaction might be arbitrary complex.

Implementations must be thread safe.

K. Benedyczak
  • Method Details

    • setIdentityResolver

      void setIdentityResolver(IdentityResolver identityResolver)
    • setInstanceName

      void setInstanceName(String name)
      Instance name is the configured name of the authenticator to which this credential verificator belongs.
    • getType