Interface BindingAuthn

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public interface BindingAuthn
Interface defining binding specific API (e.g. for Vaadin Web interface or CXF WS) which must be implemented to plug an authentication to the binding. Nearly marker - the real functionality will be available in extensions.

This interface is separate from the CredentialRetrieval to provide an endpoint-only view on a credential retrieval (what is needed by the endpoint to get authN results from an authenticator). The CredentialRetrieval is an extension with methods used by the engine to initialize the instance. The implementations will implement a binding specific interface (extension of this interface and the CredentialRetrieval.

IMPORTANT: The implementation MUST be thread safe by being immutable. Perfectly - stateless. This is because a single instance of the retrieval of the implemented type will be created per retrieval configuration defined in the system. And this retrieval can be used in many places. If binding-specific contract requires stateful credential retrieval (e.g. by providing a UI) this must be achieved by using factory method(s) in the binding-specific retrieval interface.

K. Benedyczak
  • Method Details

    • getBindingName

      String getBindingName()
      implementation id
    • getAuthenticatorId

      String getAuthenticatorId()
      name of the configured authenticator instance.
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Called when endpoint using this implementation is destroyed.