All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAttributeValueSyntaxFactory<T> |
AbstractCredentialRetrieval<T extends CredentialExchange> |
AbstractCredentialRetrievalFactory<T extends CredentialRetrieval> |
AbstractCredentialVerificatorFactory |
Helper to easily create credential factories.
AbstractEndpoint |
Typical boilerplate for all endpoints.
AbstractLocalCredentialVerificatorFactory |
Helper to easily create credential factories.
AbstractLocalVerificator |
AbstractRemoteVerificator |
Base class that is nearly mandatory for all remote verificators.
AbstractRemoteVerificator.RemoteAuthnState |
Marker interface only.
AbstractVerificator |
AbstractWebEndpoint |
AdditionalAuthenticationMisconfiguredException |
Signals that additional authentication is required prior to invoking the operation but it is not
configured properly so the operation can't succeed.
AdditionalAuthenticationRequiredException |
Signals that additional authentication is required prior to invoking the operation
AdvertisedAddressProvider |
AttributeClassHelper |
Helper for handling AttributesClass es of an entity.
AttributeClassManagement |
Attribute class management API.
AttributeEffectMode |
Defines how a mapped attribute should be handled.
AttributeMetadataProvider |
Implementation defines an AttributeType metadata.
AttributeMetadataProvidersRegistry |
AttributesContentPublicServletProvider |
AttributesManagement |
Attributes management API.
AttributeSupport |
This interface collect engine's operations related to attributes.
AttributeSyntaxFactoriesRegistry |
AttributeTypeManagement |
Attribute types management API.
AttributeTypeSupport |
API helping to manipulate attributes, used internally
AttributeValueConverter |
Performs conversion of Attribute values in a convenient to use way.
AttributeValueSyntax<T> |
Base interface defining attribute value syntax.
AttributeValueSyntaxFactory<T> |
AuditEventManagement |
AuditEvent management API.
AuthenticatedEntity |
Stores information about authenticated entity during the authentication.
AuthenticationException |
Thrown on authentication problem.
AuthenticationFlow |
Stores information about a authentication flow, as configured by administrator and selectable by
a user or client.
AuthenticationFlowManagement |
API for authentication flow management.
AuthenticationProcessor |
Utility methods processing results of authenticators.
AuthenticationResult |
This class object is returned by authenticator with information about authentication result.
AuthenticationResult.Status |
AuthenticatorInstance |
AuthenticatorManagement |
API for authenticators management.
AuthenticatorSupportService |
Provides access to authenticators.
AuthorizationManagement |
API for authorization management.
AutomaticInvitationProcessingParam |
Holds the information relevant for automatic invitation processing.
BaseEmailConfirmationState |
Contains common informations used during confirmation
BindingAuthn |
Interface defining binding specific API (e.g.
BulkGroupQueryService |
Supports fast resolving of data about a group contents in bulk.
BulkProcessingManagement |
Defines API allowing for bulk processing of entities - both manually and basing on a repeatable schedule.
CacheProvider |
Component providing access to Ehcache CacheManager.
CodeGenerator |
Simply string code generator
CommonIdPProperties |
Contains settings which are common for all IdP endpoints
CommonIdPProperties.ActiveValueSelectionConfig |
ConfigurationLoader |
Loads configuration properties.
ConfigurationLocationProvider |
Interface implemented by a bean providing a programatically set configuration.
CredentialExchange |
Marker interface.
CredentialHelper |
Allows for performing various credential related operations which needs to be handled internally,
not via the public API.
CredentialManagement |
Credential management API
CredentialRequirementManagement |
API for CredentialRequirements management.
CredentialReset |
Implementations provide a credential reset functionality.
CredentialRetrieval |
Retrieves credential, using a some binding specific method.
CredentialRetrievalFactory |
CredentialVerificator |
Implementations allow for verification of the provided credential.
CredentialVerificator.VerificatorType |
CredentialVerificatorFactory |
DefaultConfigurationLocation |
Returns the configuration file: use a reselected one with property or the default one if not set.
DefaultJsonFormatterFacility |
Default formatter.
DelegatedGroup |
Holds information about delegated group.
DelegatedGroupContents |
Holds information about delegated group and subgroup.
DelegatedGroupManagement |
Internal engine API for delegated groups management
DelegatedGroupMember |
Holds information about delegated group member.
EmailAttribiuteConfirmationState |
Contains necessary informations used during the confirmation a attribute
EmailConfirmationManager |
Confirmation manager for email attribute or identity
EmailConfirmationRedirectURLBuilder |
Creates redirect URL which shall be used in certain situations after confirmation of email.
EmailConfirmationRedirectURLBuilder.ConfirmedElementType |
EmailConfirmationRedirectURLBuilder.Status |
EmailConfirmationServletProvider |
Provides servlet used as a email confirmation endpoint
EmailIdentityConfirmationState |
Contains necessary informations used during the confirmation a identity
EndpointFactory |
Implemented by a class which allows to create an endpoint instance ready for hot deployment.
EndpointInstance |
Generic endpoint instance.
EndpointManagement |
Management of endpoints
EndpointPathValidator |
Helper for validation endpoint path
EnquiryManagement |
Enquires support: forms, submissions of requests and their processing.
EntityAction |
Implementation performs an action on a given entity.
EntityActionFactory |
EntityActionsRegistry |
EntityChange |
Describes entity status change prescribed by the profile.
EntityCredentialManagement |
API for management of entities' credentials.
EntityGroupAttributes |
EntityInGroup |
EntityParam with group context information
EntityInGroupData |
Almost all information about a single entity in general plus attributes in a particular group and in root group
EntityManagement |
Engine API for (closely related) entities and identities management.
EntityResolver |
Various helper operations allowing for converting and checking identity and entity related parameters.
EntityWithCredential |
Entity and a value of (one of) its credential attribute
EventCategory |
Defines the well known phases of events.
EventListener |
Event listeners are Event consumers.
EventPublisher |
Allows for sending platform events.
EventPublisherWithAuthz |
Allows for sending platform events.
ExecutionFailException |
Throw to signal that further execution of the translation profile should be stopped and that the whole
process should be finished with error.
ExecutorsService |
Provides server-wide thread pool.
ExternalDataParser |
Parses external data into types usable in Unity API.
FileStorageService |
Provides access to local or remote file.
FileStorageService.StandardOwner |
FormAutomationSupport |
Various internally useful operations, related to forms automation.
FreemarkerAppHandler |
Used for cases where plain web page should be presented to the user, based on freemarker template.
FreemarkerUtils |
Helper with shared routings for bootstraping template engine.
GroupAuthorizationRole |
Group authorization role with description
GroupDelegationConfigGenerator |
Generates and validates registration and enquiry forms
GroupDiffUtils |
Breaks group membership change request into three groups: unchanged groups,
added groups and removed groups
GroupEffectMode |
Defines how a mapped group should be handled.
GroupMembershipData |
Marker interface for data structure used for bulk queries on group members and their attributes.
GroupParam |
Information about a group membership to be added for an entity being registered.
GroupPatternMatcher |
Matcher of group to ant-style pattern.
GroupsManagement |
Internal engine API for groups management.
GroupStructuralData |
Marker interface for data structure used for bulk queries on group structural contents (subgroups, their metadata).
GroupsWithMembers |
HiddenResourcesFilter |
Servlet filter blocking access to all configured resources.
HTTPRequestContext |
Stores in thread local state related to the HTTP request being served by the thread.
IdentityEffectMode |
Defines how a mapped IdentityParam should be handled.
IdentityResolver |
Allows for resolving an identity into entity, returning also its credential.
IdentityTypeDefinition |
Implementation defined identity type.
IdentityTypesManagement |
Internal engine API for entities and identities management.
IdentityTypesRegistry |
IdentityTypeSupport |
Internally useful support API for handling identity types.
IdPEngine |
IdPLoginController |
This component allows the generic Unity part (not IdP endpoint specific) to obtain information
on the IdP login being performed and forcefully cleaning it.
IdPLoginController.IdPLoginHandler |
Implemented by an IdP endpoint and registered with IdPLoginController to inform it
about authentications against the IdP.
IllegalURIException |
InputTranslationAction |
Instance of this interface is configured with parameters and performs a translation
of a remotely obtained information about a client.
InputTranslationActionFactory |
InputTranslationActionsRegistry |
InputTranslationContextFactory |
InputTranslationContextFactory.ContextKey |
InputTranslationEngine |
InvitationManagement |
Invitations to fill registration form management
InvocationContext |
Stores thread-local information about the current request metadata in thread local variable.
JsonFormatterFacilitiesRegistry |
LocalCredentialsRegistry |
LocalCredentialVerificator |
Verificator of local credentials.
LocalCredentialVerificatorFactory |
LocalSandboxAuthnContext |
Result of sandbox authn using a local facility.
LoginSession |
Represents login session.
LoginSession.AuthNInfo |
LoginSession.RememberMeInfo |
LoginToHttpSessionBinder |
Maintains an association of Unity's LoginSession s with HttpSession s.
LogoutProcessor |
Performs a logout, including logout of additional session participants, in case of logout initiated directly
in Unity.
LogoutProcessorFactory |
LogRecorder |
MappedAttribute |
MappedGroup |
Mapped group: name and flag stating whether it should be created if missing.
MappedIdentity |
MappingResult |
Stores a set of mapping results, produced by one or more translation actions.
MessageTemplateConsumersRegistry |
Maintains a MessageTemplateDefinition s.
MessageTemplateManagement |
This interface allows clients to manipulate message templates.
MessageTemplateValidator |
Helper: checks if given message or text has only variables supported by a template consumer.
MessageTemplateValidator.IllegalVariablesException |
MessageTemplateValidator.MandatoryVariablesException |
MessageUtils |
Messages related utilities
MobileNumberConfirmationManager |
Confirmation manager for mobile number
NamedCertificate |
Represents an certificate with name
NetworkServer |
Provides access to the information of the network server.
NotificationProducer |
Notification sending facility.
NotificationsManagement |
Management and usage of notifications subsystem (email, sms, ...)
NotificationStatus |
Notification status.
OutputTranslationAction |
Base class of all output profile action instances.
OutputTranslationActionFactory |
OutputTranslationActionsRegistry |
PartialAuthnState |
Provides information about partial state of authentication.
PKIManagement |
Provides access to PKI related stores: credentials, certificates and truststores (validators).
PostFillingHandler |
Controller making decisions on what to do/show after completed registration.
PreferencesManagement |
Preferences management API - allows for storing and retrieving user's preferences,
useful for example for the web endpoints.
ProjectInvitation |
Holds information about project invitation.
ProjectInvitationParam |
Base data of project invitation parameter
ProjectInvitationsManagement |
Internal engine API for project invitations management
ProjectInvitationsManagement.AlreadyMemberException |
ProjectInvitationsManagement.IllegalInvitationException |
ProjectInvitationsManagement.NotProjectInvitation |
ProjectInvitationsManagement.ProjectMisconfiguredException |
ProjectManagementConstants |
Various useful project management related constants
ProjectRequest |
Holds information about project request
ProjectRequestManagement |
Engine API for project update request management
ProjectRequestParam |
Holds base information about project request
ProjectRequestParam.RequestOperation |
PropertiesTranslationProfileLoader |
Retrieve translation profile from properties
PrototypeComponent |
Defines a Spring Component of prototype scope.
PublicAttributeContent |
PublicAttributeInfo |
PublicAttributeSpec |
PublicAttributeSpec.PublicAttributeContentProvider |
PublicRegistrationURLSupport |
Defines constants and helper methods used to create public form access URI.
PublicWellKnownURLServletProvider |
Provides servlet which gives access to public well known-links handler.
RealmsManagement |
Authentication realm is a group of endpoints which share the same authentication context:
in the first place login session.
RegistrationActionsRegistry |
RegistrationEmailConfirmationState |
Base class for states of confirmation process which are bound to a registration request (as opposite
to confirmations associated with an existing user).
RegistrationEmailConfirmationState.RequestType |
RegistrationFormTranslationActionGenerator |
Generator for registration translation action
RegistrationMVELContextKey |
RegistrationRedirectURLBuilder |
Creates redirect URL which shall be used in certain situations after registration request submission
or confirmation of request's email.
RegistrationRedirectURLBuilder.Status |
RegistrationReqEmailAttribiuteConfirmationState |
Contains necessary informations used during the confirmation a attribute in
registration request
RegistrationReqEmailIdentityConfirmationState |
Contains necessary informations used during the confirmation a identity in
registration request
RegistrationsManagement |
Registrations support: forms, submissions of requests and their processing.
RegistrationTranslationAction |
Base of all actions operating on a contents of a registration request submitted by a prospective user.
RegistrationTranslationActionFactory |
Marker interface of the factories producing registration actions.
RemoteAttribute |
Generic representation of a remotely obtained attribute.
RemoteAuthenticationContextManagement<T extends RemoteAuthnState> |
Maintains a map of remote authentication contexts matched by some string key.
RemoteAuthnResultProcessor |
RemoteAuthnState |
Base class for storing some context information related to external login.
RemoteGroupMembership |
Represents a remote group membership
RemoteIdentity |
Represents a remote identity
RemoteInformationBase |
Generic representation of a remotely obtained information, used for subclassing.
RemotelyAuthenticatedContext |
Holds information about a user which was obtained and verified by a remote upstream IdP.
RemotelyAuthenticatedInput |
Holds a raw information obtained from an upstream IdP.
RemoteSandboxAuthnContext |
Stores full information on the remote sandboxed authentication.
RequestedGroupDiff |
Group membership change request sliced into three groups: unchanged groups, added groups and removed groups
RequestSubmitStatus |
RequestType |
RoutingServlet |
Simple routing (dispatching) servlet.
SandboxAuthnContext |
Marker interface, used by the local and RemoteSandboxAuthnContext .
SandboxAuthnResultCallback |
Callback used to provide a result of sandboxed authentication.
ScriptConfiguration |
ScriptType |
Type of script.
SecuredTokensManagement |
Secured tokens API allows for manipulating generic tokens.
SecuredWellKnownURLServlet |
Constants of the endpoint with well known links
ServerInitializer |
Interface implemented by modules providing server initialization logic, e.g.
ServerManagement |
Provides access to general maintenance operations.
SessionManagement |
Internal login sessions management
SessionManagement.AttributeUpdater |
Callback interface.
SessionParticipant |
Holds information about login session participant (remote IdP or relaying party).
SessionParticipants |
SessionParticipants.AddParticipantToSessionTask |
Session attribute updater adding a new SessionParticipant to the session.
SessionParticipantType |
SessionParticipantTypesRegistry |
SharedEndpointManagement |
Management of the single, shared, internal Unity endpoint, which is not under administrator's control.
SMSCode |
Contains code with validity time and mobileNumber related with this code.
StringConfigurable |
This interface is enforced for some types of objects which are instantiated otherwise
and later on configured with some text configuration.
SystemAttributesProvider |
Implementations (must be Spring components) provide additional system attribute types, defined by extensions.
TimeUtil |
Time related utilities.
Token2JsonFormatter |
Maps Token s to json using respective token contents serialization.
TokenContentsJsonSerializer |
Represent facility used for map contents of Token objects (which is basically an opaque
byte array for the engine) to some meaningful JSON representation, useful especially
when presenting tokens to outside world, e.g.
TokensManagement |
Tokens API allows for manipulating generic tokens.
TokensManagement.TokenExpirationListener |
Receives notifications about expired tokens.
TokenWithJsonContentsSerializer |
Base for all tokens where contents is storing byte[] serialized JSON.
TranslatedRegistrationRequest |
Output of RegistrationRequest or EnquiryResponse translation with a
corresponding translation profile.
TranslatedRegistrationRequest.AutomaticRequestAction |
TranslationActionFactory<T extends TranslationActionInstance> |
TranslationActionInstance |
Minimal base for translation action instance, configured to be executed.
TranslationCondition |
MVEL condition of translation rule.
TranslationIncludeProfileAction |
Internal interface allowing to get included profile parameter from input or output translation action.
TranslationInput |
Translation input: a complete information about an entity.
TranslationProfileGenerator |
Helpers methods for generating translation profiles
TranslationProfileManagement |
This interface allows clients to manipulate translation profiles.
TranslationResult |
Result of output translation.
TypesRegistryBase<T> |
Maintains a simple registry of some implementations.
UnityFilePropertiesHelper |
Extends FilePropertiesHelper with Unity specific methods.
UnityHttpServerConfiguration |
Configuration of the Jetty server, baseline for all HTTP based endpoints
UnityHttpServerConfiguration.XFrameOptions |
UnityMessageSource |
Extension of the ResourceBundleMessageSource which
automatically sets the proper locale from the InvocationContext
and allows for an easier invocation using varargs.
UnityPKIConfiguration |
Configures disk based truststores and credentials, which are named and can be referenced.
UnityPropertiesHelper |
UnityServerConfiguration |
Principal options are defined here: ids and corresponding default values.
UnityServerConfiguration.LogoutMode |
UnknownRemoteUserException |
Thrown on authentication problem, when the user is properly authenticated remotely
but is unknown in the local DB (after a complete translation profile execution).
UnsuccessfulAuthenticationCounter |
Counts unsuccessful authentication attempts per client's IP address.
URIAccessException |
Thrown when a low level problem with read uri occurs.
URIAccessService |
URIHelper |
A helper class for parsing uri from string and validating it against used
UserEmailConfirmationState |
Base class for states of confirmation process which are bound to a user existing in the database (as opposite
to confirmations associated with a registration request).
UserImportManagement |
Allows for manual triggering of user import.
UserImportSerivce |
Internal API for triggering user import.
UserImportSerivce.ImportResult |
UserImportSpec |
Defines user import to be performed
UserImportSPI |
User import implementation must implement this interface.
UserImportSPIFactory |
WebAppEndpointInstance |
Servlet endpoint instance
WorkflowFinalizationConfiguration |
Complete information on what to show on the final screen after completed workflow.
WorkflowFinalizationConfiguration.Builder |