Interface AuditEventManagement

public interface AuditEventManagement
AuditEvent management API.
R. Ledzinski
  • Method Details

    • getAllEvents

      List<AuditEvent> getAllEvents()
      List of AuditEvent objects.
      all AuditEvent sorted by timestamp .
    • getAuditEvents

      List<AuditEvent> getAuditEvents(Date from, Date until, int limit, String order, int direction)
      Retrieve list of AuditEvents sorted by timestamp for given time period.
      from - From date or from the earliest timestamp (if null)
      until - Until date or till the latest timestamp (if null)
      limit - Maximum number of returned records
      order - AuditEvent field for sorting purposes - at this moment only "timestamp" value is supported
      direction - Descending in case of negative value, ascending order in other cases.
      AuditEvent list sorted by timestamp.
    • getAllTags

      Set<String> getAllTags()
      List of tags.
      all Tags sorted by name.
    • isPublisherEnabled

      boolean isPublisherEnabled()
      Checks, if Audit Logs feature (Audit Logs gathering) in enabled in the system.
      Audit Logs feature status
    • enableAuditEvents

      void enableAuditEvents()
      Enable Audit Logs feature (Audit Logs gathering) in the system.
    • disableAuditEvents

      void disableAuditEvents()
      Disable Audit Logs feature (Audit Logs gathering) n the system.