The Unity UpMan REST API may be exposed (or disabled) as a regular Unity endpoint. See the main Unity documentation for endpoints configuration details.

All paths must be naturally prefixed with the server’s base URL, endpoint deployment’s path (as configured) and API version (currently there is only one). Example query path can be similar to:

1. Projects

1.1. Create project


Adds a new project.

If projectId is null or skipped, it will be auto generated.

Example input:

    "projectId": "my-project-id",
    "public": false,
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "displayedName"
    "description": {
        "en": "description"
    "logoUrl": "",
    "enableSubprojects": true,
    "readOnlyAttributes": []

Example output:

    "id": "my-project-id"

1.2. Update project


Updates the project.

Example input:

    "public": false,
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "displayedName"
    "description": {
        "en": "description"
    "logoUrl": "",
    "enableSubprojects": true,
    "readOnlyAttributes": []

1.3. Remove project


Removes the given project.

1.4. Get project


Retrieves the given project.

Example output:

    "project-id": "projectId",
    "public": false,
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "displayedName"
    "description": {
        "en": "description"
    "logoUrl": "",
    "enableSubprojects": true,
    "readOnlyAttributes": [],
    "registrationForm": "registrationFormName",
    "signUpEnquiry": "signUpEnquiryName",
    "membershipUpdateEnquiry": "membershipUpdateEnquiryName"

1.5. Get projects


Retrieves all projects.

Example output:

	    "project-id": "projectId",
	    "public": false,
	    "displayedName": {
	        "en": "displayedName"
	    "description": {
	        "en": "description"
	    "logoUrl": "",
	    "enableSubprojects": true,
	    "readOnlyAttributes": [],
	    "registrationForm": "registrationFormName",
	    "signUpEnquiry": "signUpEnquiryName",
	    "membershipUpdateEnquiry": "membershipUpdateEnquiryName"

2. Policy documents

2.1. Add policy document


Adds a new project policy document. ContentType can be one of "LINK" or "EMBEDDED"

Example input:

    "name": "Policy1",
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "Policy1"
    "mandatory": false,
    "contentType": "EMBEDDED",
    "content": {
        "en": "Policy1"

2.2. Update policy document


Updates the given policy document. If query parameter "incrementRevision" is set to true, update increment revision, and re-acceptance will be needed. ContentType can be one of "LINK" or "EMBEDDED"

Example input:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Policy1",
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "Policy1"
    "mandatory": false,
    "contentType": "EMBEDDED",
    "revision": 1,
    "content": {
        "en": "Policy1"

2.3. Remove policy document


Removes the given project policy document.

2.4. Get policy document


Returns the given policy document.

Example output:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Policy1",
    "displayedName": {
        "en": "Policy1"
    "mandatory": false,
    "contentType": "EMBEDDED",
    "revision": 1,
    "content": {
        "en": "Policy1"

2.5. Get policy documents


Returns all project policy documents.

Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Policy1",
        "displayedName": {
            "en": "Policy1"
        "mandatory": false,
        "contentType": "EMBEDDED",
        "revision": 1,
        "content": {
            "en": "Policy1"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Policy2",
        "displayedName": {
            "en": "Policy2"
        "mandatory": false,
        "contentType": "EMBEDDED",
        "revision": 1,
        "content": {
            "en": "Policy2"

3. Forms

3.1. Create registration form


Creates a new project registration form specified by the JSON object passed as request body. The optional boolean autogenerate query parameter can be used then request body can be skipped and form will be autogenerate for project

3.2. Update registration form


Updates an existing project registration form. The body of the request should include a JSON description of a form, as during form creation. The only difference is that this method expects existing form id. The optional boolean ignoreRequests query parameter can be used to force form update even if it has attached pending requests. Beware, however, that those requests can easily become invalid.

3.3. Remove registration form


Removes project registration form. An optional query parameter dropRequests can be provided with a boolean value, to control whether the form should be removed also if it has pending requests (the requests will be removed with the form).

3.4. Get registration form


Returns a project registration form. The syntax is complex and is not provided here.

3.5. Create signup enquiry form


Creates a new signup enquiry form specified by the JSON object passed as request body. The optional boolean autogenerate query parameter can be used then request body can be skipped and form will be autogenerate for project

3.6. Update signup enquiry form


Updates an existing signup enquiry form. The body of the request should include a JSON description of a form, as during form creation. The only difference is that this method expects existing form id. The optional boolean ignoreRequests query parameter can be used to force form update even if it has attached pending requests. Beware, however, that those requests can easily become invalid.

3.7. Remove signup enquiry form


Removes project signup enquiry form. An optional query parameter dropRequests can be provided with a boolean value, to control whether the form should be removed also if it has pending requests (the requests will be removed with the form).

3.8. Get signup enquiry form


Returns a project singup enquiry form. The syntax is complex and is not provided here.

3.9. Create membership update enquiry form


Creates a new membership update enquiry form specified by the JSON object passed as request body. The optional boolean autogenerate query parameter can be used then request body can be skipped and form will be autogenerate for project

3.10. Update signup enquiry form


Updates an existing membership update enquiry form. The body of the request should include a JSON description of a form, as during form creation. The only difference is that this method expects existing form id. The optional boolean ignoreRequests query parameter can be used to force form update even if it has attached pending requests. Beware, however, that those requests can easily become invalid.

3.11. Remove membership update enquiry form


Removes project membership update enquiry form. An optional query parameter dropRequests can be provided with a boolean value, to control whether the form should be removed also if it has pending requests (the requests will be removed with the form).

3.12. Get membership update enquiry form


Returns a project membership update enquiry form. The syntax is complex and is not provided here.

4. Members

4.1. Add member


Adds a user to the specified project.

Property userId should be provided as user’s email.

4.2. Remove member


Removes a user from the specified project.

4.3. Get member


Returns the specified user. Example output:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "role": "manager",
    "attributes": [{
        "name": "attribute-name",
        "values": ["val1", "val2"]

4.4. Get members


Returns all project users. Example output:

	    "email": "[email protected]",
	    "role": "manager",
	    "attributes": [{
	        "name": "attribute-name",
	        "values": ["val1", "val2"]

4.5. Get member authorization role


Returns user’s project authorization role. Property role can be one of (manager, projectsAdmin, regular) Example output:

    "role": "manager"

4.6. Set member authorization role


Updates user’s authorization role. Property role can be one of (manager, projectsAdmin, regular).

Example output:

    "role": "manager"