Interface IdentityTypeDefinition

public interface IdentityTypeDefinition
Implementation defined identity type. Currently it is stateless, but IdentityType wraps configuration which in future can be used to convert also this interface to be stateful and so configurable.
K. Benedyczak
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      type id
    • getDefaultDescriptionKey

      String getDefaultDescriptionKey()
      identity type default description
    • isDynamic

      boolean isDynamic()
      if true then the identity type is dynamic, and can not be created manually. Dynamic identities are created automatically.
    • isRemovable

      boolean isRemovable()
      false is returned only for dynamic identities, which can not be removed manually. This happens for volatile identities, for instance session-scoped. Those identities can be only reset, i.e. all instances of its type can be removed.
    • isTargeted

      boolean isTargeted()
      if true then identities of this type are targeted, i.e. can have a different value for each and every receiver (target). This implies that the authentication realm and target are mandatory parameters for the methods as e.g. the getComparableValue(String, String, String).
    • isEmailVerifiable

      boolean isEmailVerifiable()
      if true then identities of this type can be confirmed.
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired(Identity identity)
      Checks if the identity is expired.
      identity - to be checked
      true if expired, false otherwise
    • validate

      void validate(String value) throws IllegalIdentityValueException
      Checks if the value is valid
    • getComparableValue

      String getComparableValue(String from, String realm, String target)
      Comparable value must be guaranteed to be unique for the type, i.e. if two values are the same (case sensitive), then the identities represent the same principal.
      from - mandatory raw identity value
      realm - realm value, can be null
      target - target for which the identity is going to be used, can be null
      comparable value of the string
    • toPrettyString

      String toPrettyString(IdentityParam from)
      Similar to #toString(), but allows for less verbose and more user-friendly output.
    • toPrettyStringNoPrefix

      String toPrettyStringNoPrefix(IdentityParam from)
      Similar to #toPrettyString(), but doesn't return id type prefix.
    • toString

      String toString(IdentityParam from)
      full String representation
    • toHumanFriendlyString

      String toHumanFriendlyString(MessageSource msg, IdentityParam from)
      string representation which is most useful for end-user. Note that this representation may even hide the actual value if it is considered cryptic.
    • getHumanFriendlyName

      String getHumanFriendlyName(MessageSource msg)
      Name of the type which can be presented to end user.
    • getHumanFriendlyDescription

      String getHumanFriendlyDescription(MessageSource msg)
      Description of the type which can be presented to end user.
    • createNewIdentity

      Identity createNewIdentity(String realm, String target, long entityId)
      Tries to create a new identity. Can be called only for types which report themself as dynamic.
      realm - authentication realm identifier or null if no realm is defined
      target - null or the receiver of the created identity
      entityId - entityId to be set in the returned identity
      newly generated identity
      IllegalStateException - if the creation failed: typically when used on a static type.
    • convertFromString

      IdentityParam convertFromString(String stringRepresentation, String remoteIdp, String translationProfile) throws IllegalIdentityValueException
      Creates an IdentityParam from a string representation. Typically the method is simplistic (i.e. the IdentityTaV.getValue(), remoteIdp and profile is set to the arguments and type to getId()), but it can also perform additional parsing to set for instance the confirmation information.